These classic Allan Staines manuals have become the go to books for Apprentices, Builders, Owner Builders, Renovators and the home handy man in Australia for many years. These new editions brings the illustrations and text right up to date with the latest methods applied across Australia
The Australian House Building Manual
The 9th Edition of this popular title A book worth its weight in gold to everyone involved in house building.
This entirely Australian manual is thoroughly researched in co-operation with the Australian Timber, Brick, Concrete and other relevant associations. It is written in Allan Staines usual easy to comprehend style.
It now has over 660 clear and technically accurate drawings covering each stage of construction. The text and drawings correlate well. The manual covers the foundations and carpentry aspect in detail as well as brick veneer, cavity brick and concrete brick systems and weatherboard.
The manual provides current trade practices and hints that help bridge the gap between theory and practice. For these reasons it is an essential class room text.
Over 660 illustrations -Timber Frame Weatherboard construction – Brick veneer construction -Cavity brick construction -Concrete Block Construction -Setting out the site -Foundations and Footings -Footing and Slab floors -Timber floor framing -Truss roof construction -The installation of fittings such as:Windows, doors, weatherbaords, baths, shower recesses and mouldings -Wet areas -Flashings, stair and handrail construction -Plan reading -Estimating Quantities -Termite proofing -Building in bushfire areas -Retaining walls -Adhesives and sealants -Thin section render -Safety and more
How to be a Successful Owner Builder and Renovator
The New improved 9th Edition. An all Australian guide with illustrations and text that bring it up to date with the latest methods applied across Australia.
Companion to the Australian House Building Manual.
This is all Australian title has large scale drawings to make it easy to understand how the various stages and components fit together. The Owner Builder is shown how to plan the house to suit the chosen allotment and the most economical methods of owner building.
You will learn how to identify and correct faulty building practices the correct trade terms to use and how order building products.
This manual will provide you with confidence to build a typical Australian home in weatherboard, brick veneer, cavity brick or concrete block.
– Practical Advice on How to Save Money – How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Owner Building; Successful Planning – Understanding House Construction – Extensions and Renovations – Planning, Specifications, Sub-contractors and Materials – Identifying Improper Building Practices & Common Problems – Using Building Tools & Materials – Measuring & Marking Out; Fastening; Cutting, Planning & Jointing – Extra Building Know How – Designing the House – Weatherboard Houses – Brick Veneer Houses – 2 Storey Brick Veneer and Weatherboards Houses – Split Level Houses – Double Brick – Concrete Block Masonry – Adding a Verandah or Carport – How to Supervise the Site – Raising a House – Identifying and Correcting Common Problems
Over 440 illustrations All Australian Guide
**** The renovation section of this book is almost entirely devoted to room extensions. For general home renovations see The Australian Renovator’s Manual
Roof Building Manual
The new improved and enlarged 5th Edition This easy step by step guide describes roof building in an easy to grasp style with new quick and easy table and bevels essential to all trades persons or owner builders.
This manual is for pitching he conventional cut-ion-sit. This step by step guide is full of easy to follow instructions. An indispensable aid for teaching Apprentices, plus quick and easy to use tables and bevels for all roof pitches from 5 degrees to 75 degrees. Bevels drawn on the page ready to transfer directly to the bevel too. A Builder’s dream.
-Roof basics -Roof designs -Roofing members and where they fit -Roofing terms -The triangle makes it easy -The Rafter length -Marking out top plates and ridges -Marking out rafters -Cutting out rafters -Erecting the roof -Miscellaneous details -Easy to follow rafter lengths, tables and bevels.
***** For manufactured truss roof installation use the House Building Manual
The Australian Renovator’s Manual
The Updated 7th Edition – covers most of the popular renovations and alterations around the home with trade methods and hints described. The all Australian practical guide for renovations and alterations in line with the Building Code of Australia.
This book is specifically designed to deal with problems confronted when renovating or altering an existing dwelling. It also shows step-by-step how to accomplish popular renovation projects.
It solves problems such a: -rising damp, -floor and wall cracking, -decay in members, -small kitchens and bathrooms, -leaking shower recesses, -and termites.
It also describes: -how to support the roof when making openings in walls. -How to build attic rooms. -Installing skylights, guttering, shelving. -Replacing existing floor joists, flooring, -Fixing sagging roof rafters. -Installing french doors. -Building carports, enclosing patios and verandah, -installing sliding patio doors, -enlarging window openings. -applying Gyprock, -re-stumping. -cooling a hot house, -attaching laminate -fixing laminate panelings in shower recesses. -Wall floor tiling. -Painting. -Gives the correct adhesives, sealants and fillers to use and much more.
****For house-room extensions see How to be a Successful Owner Builder and Renovator.
Allan Staines is the author of:
The Australian House Building Manual a Step by Step Guide to House Building
The Australian Renovator’s Manual The easy step by step guide to Home Renovations
Owner Builder & Renovator Step by Step Guide to Building or Extending your Own Home
The Australian Decks & Pergolas Construction Manual
Roof Building Manual The Easy Step by Step Guide with Tables & Bevels
These manuals have become classic workhorses for Apprentices, Builders and Owner Builders in Australia for many years. These new editions brings the illustrations and text right up to date with the latest methods applied across Australia